OM Chanting Pietermaritzburg
Andhra Sabha Ashram 94 Innes Avenue, Pietermaritzburg, DURBANDate & Time: Every Wednesday, Starts 17h45 SAST Please RSVP and take necessary required precautions against the Coronavirus pandemic.
Date & Time: Every Wednesday, Starts 17h45 SAST Please RSVP and take necessary required precautions against the Coronavirus pandemic.
Date & Time: Every Wednesday, Starts 18h30 SAST Please RSVP and take necessary required precautions against the Coronavirus pandemic.
Date & Time: Every Wednesday, Starts 18h45 SAST Please RSVP and take necessary required precautions against the Coronavirus pandemic.
Date: Every Wednesdays Time: Starts 19h00 SAST Meeting ID: 811 8695 5744 Costs: Free & Open to All, Donations are welcome Join the Telegram Group Here for reminders and Discussions